Guide to Investing in Gold and Silver was my first book to be published, but it was not the first book that I wrote. My first book, Understanding Money, was never completed. That project proved to be far too ambitious. It was a massive undertaking to be written as a trilogy. At the time I had no idea how hard researching and writing could be. The first volume alone would have been 50 chapters, around 2,000 pages, and taken four or five years to complete, and the next two volumes probably would have taken the balance of a decade. Because of its intimidating size and overwhelming amount of information, had it been published, it would have probably only sold a few copies. Luckily, Robert Kiyosaki insisted that I abandon it and write “Guide to Investing in Gold and Silver” instead. I had already finished around 600 pages, so I salvaged what I could by cutting 12-chapters, editing the rest down to around 200-pages